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Efficient Drug Development for Promising Medicines: Comparative Introduction to EU & US Regulatory Tools

Published on: May 7th, 2018

With a lack of adequate therapeutic options for the great number of patients living with serious diseases, both the EMA and FDA have, independently, taken measures to address this gap by enhancing the development process, leading to an increase in the availability of significant therapies.

In July 2012, the FDA established their Breakthrough Therapy Designation, which allows for priority review in cases where a therapy offers substantial advantages over any existing options. Since then, over twenty products have been approved via this fast-track pathway. More recently, the EMA launched the Priority Medicines scheme “PRIME”, supporting the development of medicines that target these unmet medical needs, and speeding up the evaluation process so that they can reach patients earlier.

Through both these pioneering schemes, the Agencies are encouraging developers to focus on medicines that are likely to make a real difference to patients and to seek ways to accelerate the regulatory assessment process.

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