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  3. Innovation at VCLS

The world is changing and so are we.

Major trends continue to affect our society 
and the business world. Understanding 
their implications is absolutely essential 
to our business and to building a relevant response for our clients and collaborators.

Beyond our contribution to improving the framework in which companies and markets operate, we are convinced that we have a responsibility to play a more significant role in society.

In recognition of the crucial role of technology, we have made substantial investments in enhancing our IT infrastructure. These improvements have bolstered our ability to further securer
our data and streamline our operations.

Dr Emmanuelle Voisin

Founder & CEO of VCLS

Responsible business practices

Accountable human capital

SOCIETAL commitment

MANAGEMENT of environmental impact

Responsible governance and business practices

To remain relevant as advisors and earn the trust of our clients, we must combine an related to IT understanding of the issues, strong technical competences and solid ethical principles. The collective experience and knowledge that we acquire through our assignments allow us to fully understand the activity of our clients.

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

Upon recruitment or admission, all collaborators of VCLS have to testify they have read the Code of Conduct (click to see Code of Conduct) and participated in the GDPR trainings. All employees receive training as part of their onboarding training, newcomers still have to complete the course.

Data protection and risks related to IT

Data protection is a central topic that is a priority at VCLS. In the last couple of years, several initiatives have been completed in order to consolidate the protection and the management of data. Moreover, the personal data collected as part of the missions is protected by the GDPR (General

IT system & security: a significant improvement

Investing in Sustainable 
IT Infrastructure

We have implemented virtualization and server consolidation initiatives, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced power consumption. we moved the
equipment and team of Quanta Medical (acquired by VCLS in 2021) to our headquarters in Boulogne.


To safeguard against potential disruptions, we maintain a comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery plan for our IT infrastructure. We have established redundant systems, backup mechanisms,
and off-site data storage to ensure the uninterrupted availability of critical systems and services.

Promoting Data Privacy 
and Protection

Protecting the privacy and security of our stakeholders’ data is of utmost importance to us. We have continued to enhance our data protection practices by investing in robust security measures, advanced
encryption protocols, and regular security audits. Our IT team undergoes regular training to stay updated on the latest security threats.

Accountable human capital

Our approach to responsibility is expressed above all towards our collaborators. They are the bedrock on which our success, our performance and the expertise we provide to our clients are based. While the company’s growth has accelerated sharply in recent years, the involvement and shared ambition of the collaborators are the main drivers.

Empowering cutting-edge biotech innovations with tailored VCLS strategies for improved patient outcomes.
Safety & Health insurance
Catchy title to describe Safety and Health insurance
Professional development
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integration of collaborators
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equal opportunities
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diversity & inclusion
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well-being at work
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Societal commitment

At VCLS we have a strong commitment towards ethical practices. As the materiality matrix has pointed it out, it is also a key subject according to our stakeholders. Ethical practices are translated through the way we do business. We value every single person we are working with and enacted this behavior in our Sustainable procurement policy.

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct


Responsibility, transparency, respect for the interests of takeholders, compliance with
legislation and regulations, also in the social and environmental field.

Respect for labor standards

Abolition of child labor and compulsory forced labor, freedom of
association and the right to collective bargaining, fight against discrimination, respect for laws relating
to wages, benefits and working hours, health and security.

Respect for labor standards

A safe environment, activities non-harmful, proactive on health and
safety issues.

Environmental protection

Management of nature, natural resources, waste and toxic substances,
energy resources, emissions and pollution.

Participation in charitable events

We have participated for several years in the Rare Disease Race and donated the collected funds to the cause. At VCLS, we support the Rare Disease community every day through our work with our partners and clients for the promise of delivering effective therapies and making them
accessible to patients. Every year, events are held in all locations across the globe to celebrate this community.


The MedicalRun is the first solidarity running race, solely dedicated to health professionals, organized by and for the benefit of the CAMI Sport & Cancer Association. This race brings together all people in the medical sector: doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, employees of the medical industry, paramedical professionals as well as health students, to support CAMI. VCLS has been participating in this event for several consecutive years.

Management of environmental impact

VCLS aims to control and reduce its environmental footprint.
To achieve this, the company has launched several initiatives to identify major environmental impacts. The optimization of processes through telecommunication, the reduction of waste and the mobilization of staff are areas that are being targeted. The Environmental Policy has been put in place since 2021.

Green IT

We have established certain measures:
Only purchase Energy Star certified PCs.
Give a second life to the former PC fleet.
Favor quality products to assure a longer life span.
Educate collaborators for responsible use of technologic devices.

Reducing consumption

In most offices, plastic bottles have been replaced by water fountains.
The use of
plastic cups are prohibited in Europe thus, paper cups or glasses are being used on
Most printers are now also
equipped with badge detection, meaning that documents are solely printed when
manually activated to prevent unnecessary printing, wasting ink, and paper.

Electricity consumption IT

Various initiatives have been introduced to lower the
consumption. For instance, moving sensors have been installed
in several locations, heating and cooling systems have been
properly programmed to be the most efficient and more generally
speaking collaborators’ awareness is increased through
educational content.

Investing in Sustainable 
IT Infrastructure

We have implemented virtualization and server consolidation initiatives, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced power consumption. we moved the
equipment and team of Quanta Medical (acquired by VCLS in 2021) to our headquarters in Boulogne.


To limit the impact of our business trips,
we have deployed high-performance
videoconferencing equipment and
reduced the amount of business travel.
Most locations also provide collaborators
with a bicycle garage and we started to
equip car parks with electrical outlets to
charge vehicles.